Strategiskt innovationsprogram: Samlar Sverige för hållbar och konkurrenskraftig produktion

Digitaliserade Värdekedjor I SkogsIndustrin (DiVISI)

The project will propose a common digital platform in the forest-to-sawmill value chain, where actors can share information on timber volumes and qualities to be delivered at specific points and time.

The project will develop, test and evaluate a demo control and steering function that makes better planning and ordering possible for all in the forest-to-sawmill value chain. The project will define and make it possible to visualize indicators for production planning and control, including e.g. stock levels, capacities and disturbances from the planning of forest activities to sawn logs at the sawmill.

The project will contribute to a more sustainable production where efficiency improvements strengthen the competitiveness and profitability of the forest sector. It will also contribute to a more stimulating work environment that can attract and retain competent people. This will in turn contribute to the development of rural parts of Sweden.

The competence represented in the consortium well covers the needs to reach the project goals, including research partners, forest and sawmill companies, a haulage contractor, suppliers of equipment for sawmills and suppliers of IT solutions. The innovation of the proposed project concerns both process and organizational innovation. The result from the project is a product that will create significant value for companies in the forest-to-sawmill value chain, through secure and transparent exchange of information on a level not yet available.

Project leader
Maria Nordström, Skogforsk
+46 70635 33 12

Project partners
→ Skogforsk
→ Linköping University
→ Moelven Dalaträ
→ Weda Skog
→ RemaSawco
→ Biometria
→ Norrskog Wood Products
→ Sveaskog
→ Westan
→ Setra
→ Digiwood
→ Skara stift

Produktion2030 – ett strategiskt innovationsprogram med stöd från VINNOVA, Energimyndigheten och Formas.

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