How can the Swedish Strategic Innovation Programmes contribute internationally to societal challenges and how can Strategic Innovation Programmes in collaboration meet the global challenges?
When? October 27th 09.00-11.00
Where? Live-stream
Welcome to the webinar! A short introduction to the 17 Swedish Strategic Innovation Programmes.

Cecilia Ramberg
Programme Director of LIGHTer

Cecilia Warrol
Programme Director of Production2030

Åsa Julin
What does the European Union expect from it’s member states in general, and from Sweden in particular, when it comes to research and innovation to meet the global challenges? Sweden continues to be the Innovation Leader in Europe. Being an innovation leader is also a responsibility. What does that mean from a European perspective? Which responsibilities and expectations come with being one of the most innovative countries in the world?
Keynote speaker: Peter Dröll, Director for Prosperity, EU Commission
Throughout his career in the European Commission, Peter Dröll has dealt with research, innovation, industrial and environmental policies. As Director for Prosperity he is in charge of the acceleration of industrial transformation through research and innovation. He is a lawyer by training and holds a PhD in German Constitutional Law.

Peter Dröll
Director General Research and Innovation, EU Commission
What structures, investments and partnerships are needed to create a thriving climate for research and innovation? The panel represent different perspectives – academia, industry and authority. What can Sweden do today to remain one of the most innovative countries in the world tomorrow?
What can Sweden do today to remain one of the most innovative countries in the world tomorrow?
Professor Johan Stahre, Chalmers University of Technology sums up the session together with FridaRit.

Peter Dröll
Director General Research and Innovation, EU Commission

Darja Isaksson
Director General Vinnova

Stefan Bengtsson
President and CEO Chalmers University of Technology

Klas Wåhlberg
CEO Teknikföretagen
During the year, the Strategic Innovation Programmes have created a common view on three different initiatives from the EU. A discussion on Strategic innovation programmes and the possibilities capturing Green Deal, Misisons and Horizon Europe.

Elin Larsson
Program director RE: SOURCE

Kristina Gabrielii
Program director Smart Built Environment

Rachel Pettersson
Research Manager Jernkontoret
How can we take advantage of the Swedish Strategic Innovation Programmes to secure sustainable future competitiveness? The panel represent different perspectives – Industry, Institutes, and Government.
The Strategic Innovation Programmes are well-structured and a platform to build on for future success. Hear the panel discuss opportunities and needs from the perspectives of industry, authorities and research institutes.
Professor Johan Stahre, Chalmers University of Technology sums up the session together with FridaRit.

Darja Isaksson
Director General Vinnova

Johan Harvard
Relationship Management Director Combient

Pia Sandvik
Professor Johan Stahre, Chalmers University of Technology sums up the session together with FridaRit.