DiSAM – Digitalization of Supply Chain in Swedish Additive Manufacturing
DiSAM will strengthen the competitiveness of Swedish manufacturing through improved production flexibility and quicker time to market.
This will be accomplished by aligning the digital and physical supply chains in additive manufacturing (AM) for industrial production and product development of metal and polymer-based components using the most common AM techniques. The project will provide a solid platform, where other techniques and materials can easily be incorporated into DiSAM, connecting the digital solutions to the physical production chain in order to truly achieve print-on-demand and greater production flexibility. This will require the whole supply chain to be studied and connected to an advanced digital platform, in order to ensure high product quality, traceability and visualisation. The entire product development cycle will be demonstrated through a series of case studies, each of which will have a unique supply chain.
Demonstrators will be selected by the participating companies, all of which need and have a strong drive to increase the level of digitalisation in their respective manufacturing areas. At the same time, this will provide an opportunity to test and assess AM as a production method, with a view to reducing lead times, introducing quick and simple customisation, creating innovative products and maintaining traceability in the production chain. The long term impact of DiSAM will be increased adoption of digitalization in AM by the Swedish manufacturing industry, with increased flexibility and competitiveness as a result.
→ Se movie about DISAM
→ See 3D model
Project leader
Magnus Widfeldt
Participating organisations
→ Chalmers
→ Högskolan Väst
→ Högskolan i Halmstad
→ GKN Aerospace
→ Combitech
→ EDRMedeso
→ AGA Gas
→ Atlas Rock Drills
→ Bharat Forge
→ Gestamp HardTech
→ Halmstads Gummifabrik
→ Tylö
→ Creative Tools
→ Carpenter Powder Products
→ Höganäs
→ Tooltec
→ Digital Metal
→ Unimer Plast & Gummi
→ Cimco Marine
→ Brogren Industries
→ Cliff Models
→ Auran Industries
→ ZYYX labs