How do we work

Production2030 aims to renew and strengthen the competitiveness of Swedish industry. Through innovative knowledge, strong collaborations and cutting-edge technology, we contribute to Sweden remaining an attractive country of production. In this way, we together create growth and welfare in Sweden.

The production area is broad and Produktion2030 has chosen an inclusive approach. This means that many different knowledge domains are linked to the field: materials, electronics, computer science, programming, control technology, mechanics, robotics, energy, logistics, organization, finance – and many more. Production research is application-oriented and interdisciplinary and is often conducted in collaboration with industry and / or research institutes. For example, it is common for researchers to need access to industrial environments in order to be able to develop research in real systems that are difficult to create in academic laboratory environments.

We operate through four instruments: 1. Projects, 2. Small and medium-sized enterprises, 3. Education and 4. Analysis and internationalization.

1. Project

Produktion2030 puts out regular calls for (i) research and innovation projects, (ii) test and demonstration projects and (iii) idea projects. You can find information about ongoing and finished projects here. The projects can be filtered by the area of strength to which they relate and whether they are ongoing or finished.

2. Small and medium-sized enterprises

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in Sweden’s industrial competitiveness. Produktion2030 packages the results of all its projects to make them widely accessible. Together with regional and national industry networks, we share the results with companies and other stakeholders through workshops, seminars and so on. We also invite smaller companies to test out new technical solutions in our particular areas of strength.

3. Education

Access to skills in the field of production is key to industrial development and investment in Sweden. Higher education in the production field should involve collaboration between industry and academia. Produktion2030 has run a national graduate school focusing on production since 2014. In 2017, the initiative Master of Science in Engineering 4.0 started with several short course modules with current content in the technology areas covered by the industry’s rapid technology development and digitization (Industry 4.0). The course modules can be integrated into existing educations at universities and from 2020 the course modules can also be packaged for continuing education for companies.

4. Internationalization and analysis

International networks and collaborations are an important part of Produktion2030. We carry out lobbying work, participate in various EU programmes, conduct strategic analyses, arrange study visits and initiate bilateral partnerships.

The instruments work together – provide faster dissemination of knowledge

Instrumenten är inga separata enheter utan samverkar ständigt. Detta bidrar enligt programmets utvärderare till att ny kunskap kan spridas snabbare till svensk tillverkningsindustrin.

For example, a hypothetical news item from some part of the European Commission, where Production2030 is well represented in key groups (within the Analysis Instrument), could go directly to the program’s steering group, which decides on a call, which generates a 1-3-year project , whose results are then implemented in a technology workshop (through the SME instrument) and which thus reaches a number of smaller companies within a few years.

The project result can also be taken care of in a module within Master of Science in Engineering 4.0 (within the Educational Instrument), thereby upgrading the engineering education much faster than it normally takes to develop a new university course (from the program’s 6-year evaluation).