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Work from the courses can be directly applied in your research

Strategiskt innovationsprogram: Samlar Sverige för hållbar och konkurrenskraftig produktion

Work from the courses can be directly applied in your research

  • In order to develop and strengthen the competence within the production area, Produktion2030 runs a national research school, with courses available for both PhD students and companies. Meet the PhD student Malin Hane Hagström who is currently studying at Graduate School Produktion2030.

In order to be competitive, companies need access to world-class competence and talent. That is why Graduate School Produktion2030 was launched in 2014. Today we offer more than 30 courses, all with a strong connection to the Swedish production industry.

One of the PhD students currently studying at the Graduate School is Malin Hane Hagström, who do research on product development, systems engineering design and the sub-area of knowledge management at Chalmers. Malin is an Industrial PhD Student at Volvo Group Powertrain Production.

– The courses have given me a lot! All the courses I have taken have provided a good network, both within Chalmers and Sweden but also with our Danish colleagues. In addition, the courses have had very interesting academic perspectives and also given the opportunity to visit industries that are outside my area of expertise, which has been very fruitful, says Malin.

Malin’s research focuses on the transfer of knowledge between production and product development with a focus on lean principles and continuous improvements. The goal is to find ways to build in knowledge from the production in terms of losses, into the machine acquisition phase with a special focus on professional maintenance. It was through her supervisor and examiner she got to know about Graduate School Produktion2030.

– The courses I have taken have already resulted in scientific articles where I have used what I have learnt and that is what I expect also from International Production that is not finished yet, Malin continues.

In addition to the course in International Production, Malin has studied Product Platforms and A critical view on Product Development. And although Malin is not done with all the courses yet, her advice is clear.

– My advice to those who are considering taking one of the Graduate School Produktion2030s courses is; do it! The scientific height, depth and educational set-up of the courses are good with relevant literature, which results in discussions and work that can be applied directly in your research, Malin concludes.

→ Read more about Graduate School Produktion2030

Produktion2030 – ett strategiskt innovationsprogram med stöd från VINNOVA, Energimyndigheten och Formas.

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