POSTECH – Positioning technology for the heavy manufacturing industry sector
The purpose of this project is to radically improve the working environment and increase personal safety within the process and steel industry, by employing the latest technology for low and ultra-precision positioning and decision support.
The system is in commercial use in mines, and RISE preindustrial testbeds are ideal for adapting the equipment to the conditions in heavy manufacturing, with its strong sources of interference such as powerful electromagnetic fields.
Over the course of the project, we will deliver information, presentations and seminars in consultation with Vinnova’s strategic innovation programmes Mining and Metal Extraction, Process Industry IT and Automation, and Internet of Things Sweden. The goal is to improve safety by adapting the decision-making and positioning system to the heavy manufacturing industry.
This can detect people, machines and equipment in real time with high precision and issue warnings about collision risks and entry into hazardous environments. The challenge is to create a robust and interference-free test system that can handle a heavy manufacturing environment with strong magnetic fields, high temperatures and significant particle and dust formation. The system needs to be able to detect the position of personnel in real time, and to digitally screen off certain areas for personnel who are not permitted to enter the area, as well as monitoring solo work and providing notifications of potential safety situations via text messages or warning signals, plus graphic information on a connected computer or tablet. The project will be conducted in RISE industrial pilot and demo environment for steel manufacturing, with final technical verification and validation in an operational environment.
Project leader
Lars Sandberg
Participating partners
→ Swerim
→ Mobilaris
→ Ericsson