Strategiskt innovationsprogram: Samlar Sverige för hållbar och konkurrenskraftig produktion

Digital innovation for railway production value chains – makeITrail

The makeITrail project is concerned with developing new methods and technologies to further integrate the value chain of the railway manufacturing sector in Sweden.

In doing so, we need to strengthen the supplier-producer-consumer relationship and connect the local suppliers with the wider international supply chain. The project will focus on several strength areas vital to Produktion2030, such as flexible production, virtual production, integrated product development, and resource-efficient production. These areas link to the wider agenda of sustainable development 2030; in specific, the “industry, innovation, and infrastructure” goal, and the “responsible production and consumption” goal.

The consortium consists of three industries: Bombardier Transportation (BT), HiTest, and DELTA Development Technology AB, and two research institutes: Mälardalen University (MDH), and the Research Institutions of Sweden (RISE). The partners have many years of experience in developing and implementing rail technologies, and some have collaborated in the past in various projects, which reinforces the consortium’s position in achieving the goal of this call.

Project leader
Jawad Elomari
+46 (0) 76 127 1066

Participating organisations
→ Bombardier Transportation
→ Research Institutions of Sweden
→ Mälardalen University
→ DELTA Development Technology AB
→ HiTest

Produktion2030 – ett strategiskt innovationsprogram med stöd från VINNOVA, Energimyndigheten och Formas.

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