Digilog – Digital and physical testbed for logistic operations in productions
DigiLog is based on three existing testbeds that will be linked together via a digital model to simulate a typical modern logistics environment.
The testbed project enables testing and experimenting with different configurations of components (different transport vehicles, e.g. forklift to AGV, level of manual vs automated handling), connects these with the help of IoT and allows for investigations into various forms of HMI/HRI interaction.
The combination of physical and virtual testbeds makes it possible to export and import data gathered from control units and sensors in multiple environments and thus identify potential improvements in the process (information and material flows), organisational levels (layouts and operational issues) and the way digitalisation technology can help people to carry out their daily logistics tasks. The project will support a gradual transition to digitalised logistics, where companies and users can find the right level of automation and choose the right technology for their logistics-related problems, which will lead to more sustainable production. The notion of a digital twin offers an opportunity to experiment with new ways of processing, analysing and using collected data (whether in a simulation model or physical testbed) for improved planning, optimisation of ongoing processes and maintenance purposes.
Project leader
Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge
Participating organisations
→ Scania
→ Astra
→ Virtual Manufacturing
→ Södertälje Science Park AB (SSCP)