D3H – Data-driven disturbance handling
Production disturbances cause substantial costs and efficiency losses in automated production systems (studies estimate 106 billion SEK every year in the Swedish manufacturing industry).
Therefore, the D3H project aims to digitalize established disturbance handling tools (DHT) by making them data-driven and more effective.
Impact: effects and project goals
The use of digitalized disturbance handling tools holds great potential to increase cost-effectiveness in automated production systems. In fact, the costs of production disturbances are likely even higher than stated above due to difficulties in calculating their rippling effects (cost of lost production) in production flows. Studies show that the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is only around 50-55% on average in the Swedish manufacturing industry. World-class figures are usually argued to be 85%.
Therefore, the D3H project aims to enable more and increasingly advanced automated solutions in production systems by
- Reduced disturbance frequency leading to world-class OEE levels
- Increase the amount of preventive maintenance compared to reactive repairs
- Increase competence related to Smart Maintenance
Main project goals are
- Described effects of established DHT
- Guidelines for selecting DHT given a specific disturbance pattern
- A toolbox of digitalized (data-driven) DHT
- Novel improvement services connected to the DHT
- Digitalized dissemination and education materials; see below.
Industrial needs and state-of-the-art
The project goals above are designed to address the following industrial needs:
- Reducing disturbances frequency to increase OEE and reduce energy consumption
- Increasing the amount of preventive maintenance compared to reactive repairs
- Increasing the competence levels around Smart Maintenance and start pilot projects on digitalization and data-driven decision support
- Increasing external collaboration to understand and test industrial digitalization
- Improving data quality (reporting procedures) in production monitoring systems
Fortunately, there are already established DHTs to start from but current challenges are
- Existing DHT are mainly used for other purposes than disturbance handling
- No previous mapping of the effects of DHT for production disturbance handling
- Existing DHT are experience-based rather than data-driven
- No current mapping between CMMS, data standards, and DHT data requirements
The first project step is to map current DHTs, their use in the case companies, and their effects on different disturbance patterns. Thereafter, the proposed digitalized DHT will be implemented at six case companies and the effects on different disturbance patterns will be measured. The project will also develop improvement services based on the DHT for internal use or to be provided on a consultancy basis.
The project results will be disseminated by means of technology workshops, webinars, and the development of digitalized learning modules, inspired by Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). These modules are designed for use in university courses, professional education, etc. and aimed at learning platforms such as Civilingenjör 4.0. Common channels such as social media, technical fairs, etc. are also planned.
Project consortium
To secure the right competencies, the consortium includes major Swedish research institutes and universities together with manufacturing companies, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), and a software innovator company. A multi-disciplinary team combining manufacturing maintenance experience and computer science expertise. The consortium is also a good mix of start-up innovators and end-users, a perfect set-up for generating innovations and quickly scale up to industrial value.
Project leader
Anders Skoogh
Vi som samverkar
→ Chalmers
→ Good Solutions
→ Knauf
→ Kopparbergs Bryggeri AB
→ Nolato plastteknik
→ Pallco
→ Uddeholms
→ Vibracoustic forsheda